
DocGrid : Maintenance

Our flexible, versatile Web-based CMMS solution.

DocGrid is perfect for organizations with multiple locations or those that want the flexibility of a Web-based system.

  • Easy to learn and easy to use. We asked real-world users for their input in developing DocGrid. They made sure we created a system that was easy to learn and even easier to use, even for users with little or no previous computer experience.

  • Hassle-free updates and administration. Because DocGrid lives on the Internet or your company intranet (and not on the PCs of individual users), updates are easy and administration and support are hassle-free.

  • Everything you need in one system.DocGrid includes six fully functional modules to give you complete control over your maintenance management activities: (1) work order, (2) preventive maintenance/equipment, (3) inventory, (4) vendor/purchase order, (5) timecard, and (6) utility. Plus, the system includes features that are add-ons in other systems, like Web work order requestor, purchase order approval, and planning and scheduling.

  • Critical information at your fingertips. DocGrid modules open to a “dashboard” screen—just like the dashboard in your car, these screens present the critical information you need at a glance.

  • Fully customizable. With DocGrid, attachments are virtually unlimited. Labels, headings, and notes can be edited to meet your needs. And screens are user-definable—you’ll see as much or as little as you want.

  • Data security and regulatory compliance.DocGrid automatically keeps an audit log of all changes—you’ll know when any changes are made and who made them. What’s more, the audit log is critical in helping you comply with the requirements of OSHA, ISO, and other regulatory agencies.

  • Easy to integrate. DocGrid easily and seamlessly integrates with popular enterprise-wide systems like SAP, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, or Primax.


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